Our First Lady

First Lady Minnette Chanel Brown was born in Cleveland, Ohio on May 6, 1979. She is the eldest of seven and the only child born to the late Min. Barnard Avery and Annette Forrest. She was raised by her grandmother, Mrs. Lillie Forrest, but her cousin, Deacon Saul Foster and his dear friend, Sis. Ruthie Frost, along with Sis. Rose Bradshaw, Deacon Jesse Nunn and Deaconess Lillie Jo Nunn held the responsibility of taking her to Sunday school and church every Sunday and were influential in introducing her to Jesus Christ.
Lady Minnette grew up in Cleveland and is a graduate of Jane Addams Business Career Center. She received her Associates degree in Business Management from Bryant and Stratton University and is employed as a Physician Office Secretary at Akron Children’s Hospital Pediatric Office (Streetsboro Campus).
Lady Minnette attended Greater Whitestone Baptist Church, under the leadership of the late Pastor Charlie Boyd and later joined Israelite Missionary Baptist Church, at the age of ten, under the leadership of the late Pastor Randall Davis. She was an active member of the choir, youth ministry, usher board and nurse’s guild. It was at Israelite, where she was provided additional spiritual leadership and guidance from her Godparents Deacon Derrick and Theresa Cooley. The Cooley's treated her as their very own child and helped raise her up into adulthood, instilling in her the meaning of hard-work and placing God first and foremost in her life.
Lady Minnette C. Brown
After marrying her husband, Pastor Michael Brown in July of 2009, Lady Brown was thrust into ministry. She became active with the Deaconess, the Media Ministry and later became an advisor for the Youth SWAG Ministry. She is known to be a helpmate for her husband and assists him in every aspect she can, as he is pulled in various directions. Pastor Brown jokingly refers to her as his “secretary”, because she keeps him on track and moving.
Lady Brown enjoys spending time with her family: immediate and extended, vacationing, shopping, being an advocate and listening ear to her friends and family and of course more shopping. Her goal is to make sure that her husband and family are well taken care of in every aspect. Her life theme is simply that you do not have to remain in the same place, doing the same thing, when we serve a God that is able to do anything but fail.
Her favorite scripture is Romans 8:28, "And we know that all things work together for the good of those who love God; to those who are called according to His purpose."
She and Pastor Brown are the proud parents of three children, D’Andre Antoine, Michael Christian and Taylor Nychole, and recently became grandparents to a precious baby girl, Bella Chanel